The Tun Legacy Foundation, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization formed by members of these organizations with origins at the historic Tun that are still in existence: United States Marine Corps; Pennsylvania Freemasons; St. Andrew’s Society; Society of St. George; The Friendly Sons and Daughters of St. Patrick; and the United States Navy.
Vision Statement: To inspire generations through The Tun™ by embodying the spirit of American history and catalyzing civic engagement through enduring philanthropy.
Mission Statement: To reestablish The Tun™ as a monument to its historical significance in the United States, and to inspire a perpetual commitment to charitable giving that uplifts and empowers.
The Tun Legacy Foundation extends its sincere gratitude to all those who have committed to supporting the rebuilding of The Tun™ at the Plank Owner level. Your dedication and generosity are deeply appreciated.
Daniel Ansa
Stephen Berge
Larry Borger
Robert & Allison Brink
Carlos Cruz
Patrick & Seiko Dailey
Richard Farrer
Paul Garvey
John Gill
Everett Goings
Harry Hill
Paul K. & Sonja K. Hopper
Kevin McGee
Craig Mills
Dennis Morikawa
Pennsylvania Freemasons
The Philadelphia Foundation
RW Capital Partners, Inc.
St. Andrew’s Society
Timothy T. Day Foundation
Matthew Swindle & Jennifer Yopp
Joe Truitt
Myles Tweedy
Max van Amerongen
How are we doing? The Tun™ is a large capital project. Our goal to begin construction is $12 million, and we’re well on our way!
Who’s giving? This project is funded by donations, either received or pledged. We can track the donations by the donors’ affiliation (if any) with the six organizations with a heritage at The Tun™. Is this important? It can be! Once The Tun™ is built and operating, ALL profits will be donated to charities, especially the charities affiliated with our heritage organizations.
How can you help? Consider making a donation or purchasing some of the unique items available on this website, for yourself, or to honor someone else!

The historic Tun, opened in 1686 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, stands as a legendary birthplace of American history, widely recognized for the founding of the United States Marine Corps in 1775 and serving as a significant meeting place for early Freemasons and revolutionary leaders. The building once stood as a vital gathering place in early America, where influential leaders convened, lively debate ensued, and the vision of the nation was shaped.
In 1781, toward the end of the American Revolution, the tavern had stood for nearly 100 years and was in serious disrepair from continuous use. It was torn down and another structure built on the valuable waterfront land it occupied. Although the structure was lost, the legacy of the historic Tun was forever engraved into the history of Philadelphia, and the founding of the United States.
Share this exciting news and our website with your friends and invite them to contribute.
Make a contribution and/or purchase our great Tun™ themed products. All proceeds go directly to our mission of restoring The Tun™.
The Marine Corps 250th Celebration
Commemorating the 250th Birthday of the United States Marine Corps.
The Tun Legacy Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 52649
Philadelphia, PA 19115